Title: Model 3 Data: file is dyscalculia.dat; Variable: names are schoolcluster classcluster vr0 - vr8; usevariables are v1 - v8; cluster is schoolcluster classcluster ; Define: v1 = vr1/12; !divided by the SD’s (roughly) to v2 = vr2/10; !equalize the scale of the variables v3 = vr3/10; v4 = vr4/7; v5 = vr5/25; v6 = vr6/9; v7 = vr7/9; v8 = vr8/17; Analysis: TYPE = THREELEVEL; Estimator = MLF; Model: %WITHIN% calc by v1* v2 - v8 (Lambda1-Lambda8); ! labels calc@1; ! L1 factor variance at 1 number by v1@1 v2@1; ! both factor loadings fixed at 1 number; ! variance = residual covariance calc with number@0; ! factors are uncorrelated V1-v8; ! free residual variance %BETWEEN classcluster% L2calc by v1* v2 - v8 (Lambda1-Lambda8); ! same labels L2calc; ! L2 factor variance free L2number by v1@1 v2@1; ! both factor loadings fixed at 1 L2number; ! variance = residual covariance L2calc with L2number@0; ! factors are uncorrelated V1-v8; ! free residual variance (measurement bias) %BETWEEN schoolcluster% L3calc by v1* v2 - v8 (Lambda1-Lambda8); ! same labels L3calc; ! L3 factor variance free L3number by v1@1 v2@1; ! both factor loadings fixed at 1 L3number; ! variance = residual covariance L3calc with L3number@0; v1-v8@0; ! residual variance at 0 (no measurement bias)